Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Vitiligo Treatment - Vitiligo Information

It is a common acquired skin disease characterized by severe circumscribed, discolored spots.

This is a pigmentation disorder in which melanocytes are destroyed.

What is affected by the Leucoderma?

It affects equally the male and female population of the planet, regardless of skin phototype or race and can people of all ages. The Leucoderma has been shown to be common in people with other autoimmune diseases such as thyroid dysfunction, diabetes mellitus, alopecia areata, megaloblastic anemia, etc.

Autoimmune disorders which is and vitiligo, which has not clarified whether it is disease or syndrome would be better to characterize eternalness i.e. when the body’s immune system reacts against its own organs and tissues, and an antibody does not recognize as his own, however, these elements produced. This is caused by a lack of functional melanocytes, skin discoloration as a result of disruption of melanin transfer.

The incidence varies between 0.1 % - 2 % in most populations of the land, except areas with genetic and environmental influences humidity, temperature, sunlight where the proportion is as high. In 35-40 % of patients find that there is a family first and second grade have vitiligo. The genetic data do not speak for multi-factorial inheritance - gene not obey, and due to an abnormality that alters the composition and distribution of melanin.

The exact cause of vitiligo, however, remains unclear.

What are the symptoms of Leucoderma? 

The discolored spots located in the body and are of various sizes are often in places exposed to sunlight, such as - face - mouth - hands - legs - arms. Other sites are hallowed elbows - knees - breasts - the sternum and the skin areas surrounding the cavities, such as around the eyes, mouth, navel, genitals, and anus. Quite often there are discoloration eyebrows, eyelashes and generally all body parts.

The skin with vitiligo do not differ in anything from sound to the look and feel only in the area of damage, and in some cases presented pruritus and hyperhidrosis. The Leucodermas did not belong to infectious or contagious disease and is not spread by physical contact from the patient to stay healthy.

Out whose responsible factors affecting the expansion of the spots?

Unfortunately not find a way to predict the extension of the spots of vitiligo. Usually the disorder is progressive and over time spread to other parts of the body. In smaller proportions, the spots are stable for decades. Finally some people are spread so rapidly to cause panic and other slow or even for several years.

The extension may assist a number of factors reflecting the releasing factors of vitiligo, such as:

1. Skin Injuries: Bruises or simple injuries or significant damage from accidents, chemical burns, sunburns.
2. Intense stress: stressful everyday events - Deaths - disappointments - losses.
3. Hormonal disorders such as pregnancy, menopause, puberty.

Form of a Leucoderma

There are many divisions. The winners are:

Focal = Discoloration on one or a few areas.
The partial lesions occur unilaterally usually follow the path of dermatomes.
Generalized = Discoloration on different parts of the body and occupies a large portion of this area.

What determines skin color?

Skin color is determined by the absorption of radiation of sunlight on skin color:

a) Melanin (skin)

b) Hemoglobin (blood vessels)

c) Bacterium (subcutaneous tissue)

The vitiligo is a consequence of the absence of melanin.

Melanin is the substance that gives color to skin, hair and eyes and is produced by melanocytes in the epidermis.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Boost Immune System Naturally

Our immune system consists of glands, tissues, leukocytes, and products of cells that protect the body against pathogens and other foreign matter. Our immune system is affected by many factors such as weather, lifestyle, exercise, nutrition, stress and anxiety.

The strength of immune system determines our ability to withstand daily attacks by pathogens or disease-carrying pests. Here are some ways to increase immune system:

Get enough physical activity: Recent studies have shown a link between moderate exercise and a strong immune system. Moderate physical exercise increases the production of macrophages, the cells that attack bacteria and viruses. It is believed that regular, consistent exercise can lead to a significant increase in immune system health extends over a relatively long time.

Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day: Our body loose three liters of water every day from sweat, urine and breath. Less fluid in the body suppresses the effective functioning of blood and lymphatic system leading to mental fatigue and loss of energy. Water is also essential for many chemical reactions in the body. It helps in digestion, assimilation, metabolism and flushing of toxins from fat cells. Water is also essential to carry nutrients such as oxygen, vitamins and minerals for the body. Lack of fluid in the body affects all these responses and, consequently, the immune system. Minimum 6 to 8 glasses of water a day is recommended to keep plenty of fluids in the body.

Lessen your stress: Many studies have shown that stress prevents the immune system. Positive emotions and stress-free life greatly enhance your immune system. Identify stressors in your life and try to minimize or eliminate altogether. You can practice yoga or breathing exercises to reduce the level of stress in your life.

Enrich your diet with antioxidant vitamins and minerals: There is a strong relationship between diet, nutrition and immunity. You can enrich your diet with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Antioxidants, vitamins and minerals enhance the normal immune system. Includes fresh fruits and leafy vegetables in your diet. Fresh fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals, and green leafy vegetables such as broccoli are rich in antioxidants.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Trick To Remove Wrinkles

The recipe is to take a green apple, washed, cut into pieces and put into the blender with everything and shell. Adds a tablespoon of milk and blend, after the mash applied it on the face, forehead and neck making sure it goes into wrinkles. Dried and then washed with warm water.

The process is repeated three times a week. The results are beginning to see in two weeks. Your skin will look younger, with better tone and wrinkles begin to fade.

Avocado: The avocado nourishes your skin with Vitamin E to provide moisture and elasticity. Mash the pulp of an avocado and apply it as a mask on face. Leave on for 10 minutes and wash.

Papaya mask: Mix two tablespoons of papaya pulp with one tablespoon of dry oatmeal. Apply and leave on for 10 minutes. Wash gently rubbing with a cloth. It also helps greatly eating papaya fruit as it slows the aging process and delay the appearance of wrinkles.

Egg White Mask: Beat egg white until stiff and apply for half an hour. Wash with warm water.

Potato and chamomile mask: Mix grated potatoes with a chamomile tea. Apply the paste on the face for 15 minutes and then wash with warm water.

Avocado Mask: Mash half an avocado pulp. Add in a tablespoon of juice of lemon and stir well. Add one egg white until stiff and mix to a paste. Apply and let stand for 20 minutes. Wash with warm water and cold.

Cauliflower Mask: Put a boil cauliflower until tender. Puree cauliflower and apply directly to the face.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Fat And Cholesterol Are Good For You?

To have a healthy body is important in the diet containing fat and cholesterol, because they fulfill important functions in the body. However, when both are present in excess health-threatening.

Nutritionists recommend a diet containing 10 and 15% protein, 55% carbohydrate and 35% fat. The latter are responsible for absorbing some vitamins, as well as store and deliver the energy the body needs, among other functions.

However, the same specialists consider two types of fats: saturated calls, found in red meat and most dairy products, and unsaturated fats, found in vegetable oils, avocado, chicken, fish and nuts, among other foods.

The big difference between the two is that the former favors the accumulation of bad cholesterol (LDL by its acronym in English) on the walls of the arteries, thereby limiting the free flow of blood may be that the origin of heart disease such as heart. In contrast, unsaturated fats are another type of cholesterol, known as "good" (HDL), which helps to eliminate that which is deposited in the arteries. So that excessive consumption of saturated fat is one factor that triggers the so-called hypercholesterolemia, i.e., the excess cholesterol in the blood.

Man accumulates fat in the back of the neck, shoulders, back, face, upper trunk and abdomen and, over time, across the belly. In turn, the woman is capable of storing in belly, hips, thighs and breasts, and with the passage of time on his chin, neck and buttocks. Finally, children are located in pubis, hips, arms, cheeks and backs of hands and feet.

What is cholesterol?

This compound is made by fatty liver, and its main function is to protect the membranes of cells throughout the body. To reach them as a means of transport used veins and arteries, which moves in the form of packages called lipoproteins. The risk of increasing the amount of cholesterol in the blood begins when we eat foods that contain excessively, especially beef, pork, eggs and some dairy products.

However, when the amount of cholesterol is high tends to stick to the walls of the arteries become narrow, so blood flow is restricted and causes fewer arrive in organs like the brain. If irrigation is insufficient in the heart, promotes pain, angina pectoris and heart attack in extreme cases.

Scientific studies indicate that one in every 10 have hypercholesterolemia. This condition does not produce noticeable symptoms, and in most cases those living with it are unaware of its presence when it has generated a serious problem.

So one of the best ways to care for our health is through food. Make sure it is balanced in minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates, and you'll be fat and cholesterol.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Stress And Anxiety Facts

Stress and anxiety affect the balance of our body, especially in what touches the circulatory and immune systems and make us prone to disease and stroke. Fortunately, proper diet and other health measures reduce its impact.

There are several resources to cope with stressful situations, and it is suitable to be put in place as soon as possible. We talked about taking short breaks (from "high" in the working day mini vacation to allow a change in routine), practice breathing exercises, relaxation or meditation, getting adequate sleep, talk with family and friends, to carry out recreational activities and eat healthy diet.

Nutritional Highlights

Delve into this point to understand why our food can help combat the devastating consequences of a stressful routine.

Note that many undesirable effects of stress, such as confusion, fatigue, insomnia and lack of concentration, due to the loss of essential nutrients for the brain and nervous system. Thus, it is essential to consume to benefit our mental performance and mood.

Basic rules in the diet

Combating stress through nutrition is to eat healthy and balanced diet, although this is important to remember some basics:

* Follow the schedules of meals and try to keep them stable every day. This will prevent sharp declines in the level of nutrients.

* Start the day with a good breakfast. The lack of carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals midmorning causes nervousness and irritability.

* The quality of sleep is altered because abundant dining and drinking plenty of fluids before bedtime. It is recommended not to take food in the 2 to 3 hours before sleep.

* Avoid "diets" to lose weight because not only reduce the intake of carbohydrates but also vitamins and minerals.

A proper diet to counteract the effects of stress should include fruits and vegetables in abundance (requires at least 5 servings a day) as the main source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are available.

Thus, it is highly desirable to include a salad a day and at least one serving of fruit rich in vitamin C (one medium piece or the equivalent of a cup of orange, mandarin, guava and kiwi), without forgetting the importance of eating nuts ( almonds, pecans, peanuts) to provide essential fatty acids the body.

Is it advisable to take multivitamins?

As we have seen, stress involves a great physical and mental, so that the use of supplements of vitamins and minerals is favorable, although always under the supervision or advice of a doctor. This is because some brands include ginseng and extract rich in caffeine, which are exciting the nervous system and may worsen the situation.

For the same reason and should be avoided "energy drinks" even those who claim to include factors contributing to the nervous system, including B vitamins, since many contain stimulants that are highly detrimental in people with ongoing stress.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Reduce Stress Problem

We need a certain amount of stress to deal with dangerous situations and adapt to changes. However, that state may become a mortal enemy when it persists and impairs health, especially in people with chronic diseases.

In general, reaction of the body is all inherited to adapt to environmental demands. How many times have we had extraordinary strength, jumped great obstacles or maneuvering amazing, sure a lot. In these cases it is a manifestation of stress positively because it allowed us to overcome any adverse event.

Everyone responds differently to stimuli, but what makes the difference is how we measure. To do this we must ask 'How risky is what I'm facing?' And 'How I can fix it?' Negative stress or distress occurs when we respond to a situation that is delicate and do not have the tools to resolve, resulting in anxiety, distress, pain and insomnia.

To illness

If we transfer this to the reality of people with diabetes (high blood sugar levels) and hypertension (high blood pressure), we see that many believe the disease they suffer is dangerous. And it will add difficulties to change their eating habits, exercise, self-assessment testing, and taking medication and attend frequent medical consultation.

Patients experience these changes in different ways. Significant percentage are extremely concerned, very strict perceive changes in their lifestyle and are considered low ability to handle the situation. In addition, they often feel anxious about work, family finances and their children.

Another sector believes that his condition is not dangerous and is assessed as unimportant, not get stressed, but do not follow your treatment properly and it is risky to your health. And a third group consists of individuals who are in the middle, who perceive that their condition is important and begin to acquire the tools to keep it under control, the stress is minimal and helps them cope with the disease.

What else is affected?

Stress not only causes havoc at the physiological level, when high and negative (distress) has the following effects:

Behavior. There is kind of blockade and solve difficult problems and to comply with daily activities.

Affective. Anxiety prevails, although it may occur fear of disease and / or angry with life.

Somatic. You experience pain in different parts of the body and often repeated episodes of flu or other infections.

Interpersonal. With no support from their loved ones, the patient is isolated and has continuing problems within families.

Cognitive. Dominate catastrophic thoughts about the disease and what his life is unfortunate.

Give back

Without doubt, the management and stress management, coupled with healthy eating and exercise, can help lower blood glucose levels and blood pressure. The importance of changes in lifestyle and in this sense, the work of doctors and teachers is crucial because it allows the patient to acquire the tools to tackle the problem.

It is very important that the family also changed their activities and habits, thus, decrease risk factors and the patient will be in better condition.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tips To Look Young And Beautiful


The skin is our calling card to the world, so we must seek care, even for a few minutes a day. Here are some tips to achieve this goal and surprised at the results in the mirror.

Tip 1. For starters, talk about the makeup, and if you want you can keep better during the day, before applying directly through the skin pass a piece of ice for several minutes. His appearance will be more fresh and radiant as well as the makeup will be retained for longer.

Tip 2. When the day is over and it's time to cleanse your skin, do not forget that non-Cleansing beauty cream, so you must rinse the skin after application. If you finished the cleansing, soak a cotton ball with whole milk, and wipe his face.

Tip 3. If you want to avoid dryness of skin, discoloration, excessive fat and even pimples, you can do with simple product made by relaxing yourself. Boil half a cup of water and two teaspoons of chamomile, let cool and soak a cotton ball that passes through the face and left to stand for several minutes in her eyes. Save the leftover in a jar that you can carry. Thus, throughout the day, you can repeat the operation as many times as you like.

Tip 4. Too much sun? To soothe the burning caused by sunburn, gently rub the affected area with cucumber slices or juice it. They are also effective raw potato slices or compresses of vinegar.

Tip 5. We all want a perfect smile. You can start whitening your teeth with a pinch of salt mixed with half teaspoon of baking soda, which will use as toothpaste. In addition to strengthening the gums, your teeth will look very white.

Tip 6. If you have a little lemon juice or has been squeezed, rub it against your nails for several minutes. Repeat the action every day, and after a couple of weeks look like lemon is excellent for bleaching and strengthen nails.

Tip 7. You've probably heard of the clay masks for the skin. For properties, this material is excellent for absorbing toxins. What you may not know is that it gives great results in areas where cellulite is present. The procedure is simple: mix a little clay in water, dip it in the area who wants to experiment and let dry. Finally, rinse the area very well and soon assumed the results.

Done! Follow these steps to record and soon discover that there are notable differences in the state of your skin. However, if you notice little difference, you may need to resort to a cosmetologist or dermatologist, they may require in-depth treatment.