Acupuncture treats the human body as a whole in which there are several functional systems in many cases are associated with a physical organ. However, this does not necessarily mean that an identification of each of these systems and the body whose name is borne. In fact, some of these functional systems, like the "triple heater", have no body with which to identify. Diseases are seen as caused by a loss of balance or equilibrium between the functional systems. For this reason, to get healthy try to modify the activity of one or more of these systems through the insertion of needles, the application of heat or pressure in a number of sensitive body parts. These are the acupuncture points.
According to the traditional medicine of China's loss of balance between body systems due to a disruption in the normal flow of vital energy. This vital energy travels through a series of interconnected channels which are known as meridians. Acupuncture points, of which more than 360, are located on these meridians and their stimulation is intended to restore the normal flow of energy through them. There are twelve main meridians and eight more. Ten of the main meridians are named after organs of the body, these are: lung, heart, large intestine, small intestine, stomach, gallbladder, bladder, spleen, liver and kidney.
The other two relate to body functions and are the triple heater and pericardium or heart protector. Of the eight extra meridians, only two have acupuncture points themselves, others are stimulated indirectly by using a technique to stimulate acupuncture points located on meridians each of which corresponds to one of the extra meridians.
In the traditional medicine of China, the acupuncturist decides which points based on stimulating a series of questions to the patient and using diagnostic tools, among which included the observation of the radial pulse for both right and left which uses three levels of pressure. Another diagnostic tool is the analysis of the language which takes into account the coating color and the presence or absence of teeth marks around the edge.
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